case study


The list of companies involved in this sector
Select private companies are listed below publicly-traded companies.
(!) symbol means this company is on our divestment list
Publicly-Traded Companies

A US multinational IT company that was previously involved in multiple projects of the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

One of the world's largest food manufacturers. Until 2022, it produced Pillsbury products in a factory located in an illegal settlement in the occupied West Bank.


A US-based computer hardware manufacturer, the legal successor of the Hewlett-Packard Company. Was involved in multiple human rights violations as part of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, as well as in US mass incarceration, immigrant deportations, policing, and surveillance.

A Thai producer of industrial chemicals and fabrics. Its Israeli subsidiary Avgol had a factory in an illegal Israeli settlement in the occupied Palestinian territory.

A Japanese financial services holding company. It has provided financing to private prison and immigrant detention company CoreCivic through two of its subsidiaries, Nomura Corporate Funding Americas and Nomura Securities International.


A German sports apparel company that sponsors the Israel Football Association, which includes teams representing illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory. The company announced it will end this sponsorship at the end of 2024.


A US-based specialty insurance company that previously underwrote immigration bonds for bail bond firm Libre by Nexus.